Open graph protocol (OGP) is a method of treating a web page as an object. This allows platforms li…
I've been working professionally as a software developer for three years and as a hobbyist for two …
Content Security Policy (CSP) is a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) header that is sent to the b…
When I first started my career in programming, I did not realize the importance of reading document…
On the surface, the concept of immutable state seems simple and easy to comprehend. It is in its ap…
Object constructors are an important aspect of object oriented programming. At first, these constru…
The .sort() method is one of the many methods that iterate over an array. This method in particular…
The .map() function is used to iterate over an array to apply a function to each of it’s elements m…
Filtering is a powerful tool that can be used in many different contexts. One example of filtering …
I just picked up learning web development about two months ago. It’s been a hell of a ride learning…